In addition to being a cage-rattler, this poem from my Soul Guide stirred my calling as a key-dropper:
Once people are aware that they are prisoners, they not only become beautiful and rowdy, but long to be free. That said, even if I am familiar with a path to freedom, if they are ever going to embrace it, they need to take agency. So instead of being a cage-unlocker I am a key-dropper.
The Importance of Agency
In Life Worth Living‘s (affiliate) recipe for a good life, agency focuses on our level of self-determination. It brings together a blend of autonomy, competence, and connectedness that enables us to grow as people and have a healthy sense of self. For me, it meant I could bring about change in my life.
Practically, this meant doing two things. One, I released some of the traumatic chaos stored up in my body. As a result, rather than living in constant reaction to the past I can embrace each moment for what it is. It also meantaking advantage of my brain’s neuroplasticity and literally learning to rewire some of those ingrained responses.
But until I took agency, until I picked up the keys others had dropped for me, the freedom I never embraced the offered freedom.
Why am I a key-dropper? So others can step into their own power. This is also why psychedelic breathwork and holistic coaching are the modalities I use at THRIV3.