This week it’s my pleasure to appear on The Dad Edge Podcast. In the episode we talk honestly about sex addiction and the recovery process.

Sex addiction

Everything in this episode comes as one who is still in recovery and I hope my sharing will invite other men who are struggling to step out of the shadows so we can face life together.

If I have one regret, it’s that Larry and I didn’t talk about what to do concerning the people my sex addiction wounded. Although, to be fully honest, I’m still trying to figure how to reconcile with some of the people I hurt the worst. I see the pain I’ve caused, I just haven’t brought healing despite my best efforts and intentions.

Addition: I did address this some in my second appearance on the podcast.

As a matter of full disclosure, I have a personal connection the The Dad Edge because I’m a member of their Alliance Mastermind.

While you can listen below, I encourage you to check out the episode page.

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