
We’ve all been to funerals where it was clear the officiant knew nothing about the deceased. The message focused on the preacher’s faith or the church they want you to attend. It all felt pre-packaged with a couple of fill-in-the-blank sections.

Your loved one deserves more, and so do you.



With over 20 years of ministry experience and two advanced degrees but none of the structural or theological binds that limit the kind of services I can offer, I come to each of the families I serve with kindness, compassion, and grace.

While I’m open to all families, most of the families I serve would consider themselves spiritual but not religious. I often use the same descriptor for myself as my Christian practice no longer meshes with popular American Christianity.

I have a special place in my heart for those who’ve struggled with addiction or mental illness, and serving their families during a time of loss (even in cases of overdose or suicide) is a passion of mine.

The same can be said for families who’ve experienced the untimely loss of a child or spouse.

Once you agree to have me as your funeral officiant/celebrant, we’ll sit down together and I’ll listen to you tell stories about your loved one. Together we’ll laugh, cry, and grieve. And while the meeting helps me craft your loved one’s memorial/celebration, it also invites you to practice processing grief and loss in a healthy way.

After our meeting, I’ll work with your funeral home and the director they provide to make sure all of the details of the service are arranged. On the day of the service, we’ll take care of everything so you can simply be in the moment and surround yourself with loved ones.

That’s the kind of treatment both you and your loved one deserve.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

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